Directed by Jean-Marc Leuwen, Hubert Damisch and Stanislas Faure, 1975. Duration: 61'21". © INA.
Jean Prouvé: The curtain wall is completely logical because it’s about not overloading a structure so wherever it’s possible hang a very lightweight thing, which can have a very wide range of compositions, that’s to say that the curtain wall will come in front of the structure, and can be composed of greatly adjusted elements that are either flat elements or glazed elements, or on the contrary panels that are superimposed, that are hung on the structure, hence the word curtain wall, because you hang it. So there are multiple possibilities for facade compositions, which allow to characterise the look of a tower. But there we were very logical because the curtain wall is really the complementary element to these concrete structures. Most towers currently being built use this technology.